What Others Are Saying

What Others Are Saying

“This is a breathtaking read with its mix of biblical principle and human experience. An adaptation of the principles set forth in this book have transformed our church-planting work across the world and enabled 4,000 new churches to be planted in an African country in a two-year period by ordinary believers experiencing God working with them. I highly recommend an in-depth read.”

— Rev. Raymond Belfield, Executive Missions Overseer, Victory Family Centre Singapore, Emeritus Board Member of Assemblies of God World Ministries Council in the UK

“T4T addresses the most fundamental, but often missed activity of a disciple maker who desires to see a Church Planting
Movement. This is the intensive, focused, ongoing training of disciples. I highly recommend this book to those who long to see God move in amazing ways among a people group.”

— Richard Schlitt, International Director, OMF International

“A ‘must read’ for every mission-minded person and CPM practitioner!  T4T: A Discipleship Re-Revolution is highly
practical and biblically sound, giving inspiration for trusting God today for the impossible, church-planting movements sourced in God alone.”

— Alvin W. Hull, Director of New Ministries, SE Asia and Pacific Region Pioneers

“God is moving in unprecedented ways to fulfill His global mission as we move deeper into the 21st century. Through His divine providence and power, an expanding indigenous witness and church multiplication is occurring through a reproductive methodology called ‘Training for Trainers.’  Steve Smith and Ying Kai present this phenomenon from the perspective of practitioners who have personally led this thoroughly biblical and effective approach to evangelism and church planting.”

— Dr. Jerry Rankin, President Emeritus,

International Mission Board, SBC”Revolutionary in its elegant simplicity, and ruthless in its focused commitment to bring people to Christ who can bring other people to Christ, T4T contains best practices in pioneer missions. If there were a “Top Gun” for missionaries, T4T and CPM would be the curriculum. However, teaching only the best to get better misses the point of T4T, it can help every Christian witness to everybody they know. Try it yourself! Share it with friends! I want to use this as a textbook ASAP!”

— Dr. Bob Garrett, Director, MA in Global Leadership, Dallas Baptist University

“II Peter 3:9 tells us that God’s desire is that none should perish, but that all should come to repentance.  He blesses us by allowing us to serve as His instruments to bring others to Him. Steve and Ying have recorded for us an eminently practical yet thoroughly biblical guideline to doing the right things to be effectively used by God as He brings about church-planting movements. This book will inform, encourage, and inspire you, as you realize that you can obediently and effectively reach and train others to train others, and see what our mighty God will do!”

— Dr. Clyde Meador, Interim President and Executive Vice President, International Mission Board, SBC

“The contents of this book are clear, practical and proven. More importantly, the authors are faithful and fruitful as people who live out these practices and pass them on to successive spiritual generations. Many people hear about Church Planting Movement (CPM) principles and are confused about how to get started. T4T is a valuable tool that embodies many of the principles at play in CPMs and provides step-by-step guidance on how to implement those principles. I have known both Ying and Steve since their own CPM training and highly commend them to you as exceptional servant leaders. It has been said, ‘Experience is a good teacher, but success is a great mentor.’ In
that spirit, take these men as mentors!”

— Dr. Curtis Sergeant, Vice-President, Global Strategies, e3 Partners Ministry

“Working in the hardest parts of the Muslim world we found the practical insights from T4T provided an answer to our prayer for how we could experience the Spirit-driven multiplication of churches. Steve and Ying have shared the gift of multiplying churches that works even among very resistant people. One caveat: reading this book is not enough. If you put into practice the principles you will find in T4T, you will find the gift. Don’t miss out on what the Lord is teaching us through these brothers.”

— John, Affinity Group Strategy Leader for North Africa and Middle East Peoples, International Mission Board, SBC

“The principles in this book are sound, biblical, reproducible, easily applicable and universal in their application. God is up to something in our generation that will be studied and talked about for generations to come. This book will give you a glimpse of what He is up to. A word of warning though: it is hard to read about this and not want to be a part of what God is doing in the world today. Read at your own risk.”

— Neil Cole, Founder and Director of Church Multiplication Associates, author of Organic Church, Cultivating a Life for God, and Journeys to Significance.

“An outstanding book from two men who understand churchplanting movements from the inside out. Inspiring and instructive for anyone with a passion to make disciples.”

— Steve Addison, author Movements that Change the World

“Steve Smith not only writes with biblical authority but with deep life experience.  All the churches I am involved with around the world have been transformed by Steve’s leadership, teaching, and life. My prayer is that this book will not only stir your heart, but empower you to change the world. Thank you, Steve, for sharing proven and biblical truths that will change lives.”

— Dr. Jimmy Seibert, Sr. Pastor, Antioch Community Church and President, Antioch Ministries International