What is the biblical basis for T4T?
In targeting the harvest that God has already prepared, T4T is based on several Biblical truths that lay the foundation for rapid multiplication:
First, God’s Spirit is already at work all around us convicting people’s hearts and preparing them to receive the Good News (John 16:8). Our job is to go out and find them. The only way to find them is to share the Gospel with everyone (Mark 16:15).
Second, evangelism is most effective when it comes from someone who knows you and loves you. T4T focuses on sharing the Gospel with friends, family and existing networks of relationships (Acts 10:24, 16:31-33). Those within a relationship network who come to Christ form the nucleus of new churches or groups of disciples (1 Cor. 16:19, Rom. 16:15) that are able to lead and feed themselves.
Third, those who come to Christ are trained so that they can repeat this process within new networks of relationships (2 Tim. 2:2). It is vital that training be kept so simple that anyone can do it. T4T keeps things simple by focusing on just four basic questions: 1) What do I say?, 2) Who do I say it to?, 3) What makes you think I will do this?, and 4) What do I do if they say “yes” to Jesus?
Fourth, among those who are trained, some will arise who are especially fruitful (Matt. 13:23). They are gifted to lead many to Christ and effectively train them so that multiplication keeps happening. The only way to find these super productive believers is to train everyone and see what fruit they produce. These super producers are key to the establishment of a movement.